L’ame Immortelle - Momente

A moment is the highest form of existence. What is life but a succession of single moments? Painful, beautiful, challenging, rewarding glimpses in the eternal stream of existence. It is these moments which we remember consciously, which we look back upon at the end of our days. And whatever may happen: No one is going to take these memories away from us.
On "Momente", L'ÂME IMMORTELLE immortalize exactly these moments, build darkly shimmering monuments to these essential happenings in life. Originally, the album was meant to be simply called "L'âme Immortelle". This consideration alone shows what is to be expected on this feverishly awaited sign of life from Sonja Kraushofer and Thomas Rainer: "Momente" channels nothing less that the artistic essence of this outstanding project. 10 pure songs, 10 moments brimful of dramatic power and dark atmospheres, presented by a choir of desperation, an orchestra of doom. L'ÂME IMMORTELLE have always been masters of drama – and nothing has changed here. Still, in 2012 the duo knows better than ever how to transfer musical roots into the here and now and presents itself in their best shape yet. From the very beginning, it was the dance on the razor's edge, the seemingly effortless act of balance between the most diverse musical moments that rendered the bands' matchless career so exciting. Album "Momente" will not pass away unheard. Released on Trisol and available February 3th, 2012.
01 L’Étang Mâlo (Intro)
02 No Goodbye
03 Absolution
04 Wie Tränen im Regen
05 Empty
06 Demon be gone
07 The Heart
08 Banish
09 Why can't I make You feel
10 Dort draussen
11 Hold Me