Machineries Fest 2014 - let’s support the project
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- Machineries Festival 2014 - 2014-03-28 (Festivals)
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- 29-30.10.10 - MACHINERIES FEST - ŁÓDŹ - 2010-09-21

The idea of the project Machineries Fest 2014 is organizing the festival of "dark-independent" music in Łódź. To realize this idea your help is needed. During the first edition, which is scheduled on 3rd May 2014, 6 bands would perform, that surely would interest you: Diorama, Architect, [ cell 7 ], Controlled Collapse, [Haven], Już Nie Żyjesz. If the first edition is successful, the festival will grow both stylistically and in terms of time.
The organizer is Wojciech Król, responsible for some bands, Controlled Collapse, CLICKS or SPAMx4, the owner of Machineries Label. In 2010 he held the first Machineries Fest which took place in Jazzga club and brought C.H. District, Wieloryb, Reactor7x, Dusk Watch, Controlled Collapse and Egoist onstage.The funds necessary to organize the event are gathered in the form of "crowdfunding" via
Detailed information and a possibility to support the event on