Mind.In.A.Box on 8 bits - R.E.T.R.O. - snippets available online
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Mind.In.A.Box - that comes from Vienna, one of the most innovating electronic band release new - 4th in their career - album called R.E.T.R.O. They were inspired by old school 80s 8 bit computers like Commodore 64 and the most famous games. Music was refreshed, vocals addes - but the climat of 80s is still kept.
01. The Last Ninja III
02. Lightforce
03. The Last V8
04. Supremacy
05. Shades
06. 8 Bits
07. Mindkiller
08. The Last Ninj
a 09. I Love 64
10. We Cannot Go Back To The Past
11. Whatever Mattered