Rotersand - Random is Resistance
Last topics on forum:
- M'era Luna 2015 - 2015-08-17 (Festivals)
- Amphi Festival 2014 - 2014-08-01 (Festivals)
- Wave Gotik Treffen 2014 - 2014-06-11 (Festivals)
- E-tropolis 2014 - 2014-02-27 (Festivals)
- Nocturnal Culture Night 2013 - 2013-09-12 (Festivals)
- M'era Luna 2012 - 2012-08-15 (Festivals)
- M'era Luna 2010 - 2010-08-09 (Festivals)
- Wave Gotik Treffen 2010 - 2010-05-26 (Festivals)
- Neuwerk Festival 2008 - 2009-02-03 (Festivals)
- Wave Gotik Treffen 2007 - 2007-05-29 (Festivals)
- M'era Luna 2006 - 2006-08-12 (Festivals)
- Blue Moon Festival #2 - 2006-07-03 (Festivals)
Last topics on forum:
- Sprzedam nowy ROTERSAND, XENTRIFUGE, NOVAKILL i inni - 2009-10-23
- Neuwerk Festival 2008 - DOD, VNV, Rotersand.... 26/12 - 2008-12-05
- ROTERSAND - 2006-12-05
- Rotersand - How Do You Feel Today - 2020-02-23 (News)
- Rotersand - Hey You - 2019-02-20 (News)
- Rotersand - Capitalism TM - 2016-10-24 (News)
- Rotersand - Torn Realities - 2016-02-05 (News)
- Blackfield Festival 2013 - 2013-02-19 (Events)
- More artists at M'era Luna 2012! - 2012-02-03 (Events)
- Rotersand - Waiting To Be Born - 2010-07-23 (News)
- Rotersand - new EP - 2009-07-18 (News)
- Rotersand - MCD ''War On Error'' - 2009-07-11 (News)
- ROTERSAND - I Cry - 2008-09-03 (News)

Rotersand has just announced the title and cover art for their new studio album. The title is "Random is Resistance" and the new album which will be out at 23 october, will be preceded by a single release named "War on Error", due out at 28 august. During september Rotersand will be on tour with VNV Nation. Rotersand will also attend the Gothic festival in Belgium and the Summer Darkness festival in The Netherlands.