Tesla Power

Tesla Power – Polish elektro-industrial duet celebra te their first video.
In 2012 debut EP was released, this year the band is planning to release the secondo one.https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hzV7VjFGVNw
First recordings of the band appeared in 2007. Since then the band has been active in different forms sticking however to industrial and electronic music. Tesla Power has mixed IDM, noise or tribal-electronics offering music opposed to stagnation and obviousness. Their characteristic feature is non-observance of genre clarity, following musical instinct, energy, futuristic and industrial aesthetic. Artistically Tesla Powar wants to explore the subject of unconsciousness and links between technology and spirituality.
Tesla Power: Tomasz "Pasek" Pas (music) and Mateusz ’Sajmon’ Siemion (vocal.).
1st EP to download: http://halotan.net/shop.php?view=full&id=77&lang=pl