The last release of Von Thronstahl in the end of October
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Von Thronstahl made available teaser, which announce upcoming album "Corona Imperialis". In the background we can hear "Regnum, Super Regnum", recorded with Spreu & Weizen - rising star of the German military/neofolk stage.
"Corona Imperialis" will be released on the October 30th. The lyrics from "Corona Imperialis" are available now on the official website. Trutzburg Thule will be a publisher, a Bildkunstschmiede studio prepared the graphical cover.On the Von Thronstahl’s official web we can find out, that the group won't be further active and new publications should be concern like farewell & posthumous albums. "Corona Imperailis" will be the last VT release.
Spreu & Weizen are special guests on this album and composed most of album songs.
Author: NataliaElanor
Translator: NataliaElanor
Source: / 2012-10-20 / News
Translator: NataliaElanor
Source: / 2012-10-20 / News