Bassist of Coffin Rock BatsaB released a solo album about school shootings!

Controversial subject area, interesting sounds experiments & strong music- Błażej "Błarz" Grygiel, bassist of BatsaB & Hellectricity just streamed online a brand new solo album.
CD "I hate everything" is a concept-album dedicated school shootings. Works on this album lasted five years. During this time Błarz wrote, produced, but also read the police reports, killers' diaries, websites and countless documentaries.
Błarz said: "I don't try to justify the killers' deeds, rather want to state and answer important questions like: "How did it come to this?", "Why?", "Could it be avoided?", "Where is the key to a young killer's mind?"
And musically? Started from reference to Tarantino’s movies, followed by much more experiments – electronics mixes with heavy sounds.
It’s like Michael Jackson meets Metallica- said Błarz, but added, that a big inspiration form him was also a creativity of KMFDM or Revolting Cocks.
CD was released on Bandcamp- check it out under below.
Track listing:
01.IHE - March of the Trench Coat Mafia
02.IHE - Left Behind
03.IHE - Do You know what I hate?
04.IHE - Trigger happy
05.IHE - Perfect Storm
06.IHE - Getting closer
07.IHE - In guns we trust
08.IHE - Take my hand - take my bullet
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