DIE APOKALYPTISCHEN REITER - new music video Wir Reiten & tour dates!

DIE APOKALYPTISCHEN REITER introduce their new video "Wir Reiten" (means: we ride). The sheer visual power of the video is result of a cooperation with french movie maker Yann Arthus-Bertrand.
The band comments: "When we watched "Home" for the first time, we were simply blown away by its grace and power. We got in touch with FONDATION GOODPLANET and their chairman Bertrand, in order to search for possible ways to make this movie available to a wider public. There are only very few movies that are obligatory to watch in one's lifetime - and HOME doubtlessly ranks among them. The combination of our music and sequences of Bertrand's movie goes way beyond the mere aesthetic value. Compressed to four minutes, it depicts the ultimate "dream vs. nightmare" scenario of a world that has reached a crossroads."
Check tour dates in 2013:
28. 01. - 01.02.13 70.000 Tons Of Metal Festival (USA)
16.02.13 Berlin (GER), Thearter (Special Accoustic Show)
30.03.13 Neumarkt/Hausruck (AT), Wurmfestival
26.-28.04.13 Bostalsee (GER), Walpurgisschlacht
30.05.-01.06.13 Geiselwind (GER), Beastival
08.06.13 Zadar (CRO), Burning Sea Festival
12.-13.07.13 Balingen (GER), Bang Your Head Festival
z27.07.13 Essen (GER), Nord Open Air
01.-03.08.13 Wacken (GER), Wacken Festival
17.08.13 Veldenstein (GER), Veldensteiner Festival
31.08.13 Langenbach (GER), Queens Of Metal

Author: NataliaElanor
Translator: NataliaElanor
Source: https://facebook.com/Reitermania / 2012-12-26 / Events
Translator: NataliaElanor
Source: https://facebook.com/Reitermania / 2012-12-26 / Events
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