Golden Afternoon Picnic

On 28-th of September, you will get a chance to paticipate in remarkable 19-th century-styling picnic. This marvelous time travel is going to be set up in picturesque Żeleński's Palace in Grodkowice near Cracow. To a guestlist, joined amazing VICTORIANS – Aristocrats' Symphony…
Golden afternoon is a stylish 19th-century picnic, during which everyone will be able to fell the atmosphere of this remarkable epoque and become a part of it. Thanks to numerous attractions, which invoke both the authentic history of the period, which call up well-known characters from the artistic world and the contemporary love of fiction, which was based on an unmanageable curiosity of the world and of the future, the organizers hope to stimulate the interest in those breakthrough times and to encourage the active contact with history.Tickets: 30 zł/person (groups of 4 people or more 25 zł/person)
During the picnic you can:
- watch the performance of Helena Modrzejewska and a dance show by Isadora Duncan;
- hear the tale of Phileas Fogg about the last of his exotic travels;
- visit the studio of 19th-century painter of historical topics;
- meet the Mad Hatter in person;
- order a photograph in the atmnospheric photographic atelier;
- listen to the fragments of fantastic novels by such authors as Jules Verne, Bram Stoker, Edgar Allan Poe and others;
- give yourself in to the talent of our hairstyle mistress;
- sneak a peek into the oriental tent;
- try delicious sweetnesses at the palace's cafe;
- spend some time in our little retro-cinema, in which one'll be able to see an animation "Chained by the corsets" ("W pętach gorsetów") directed by Barbara Szewczyk and multimedial presentations on the 19th century;
- supply yourself with unique fashion accessories;
- take part in the election of the most elegant gentleman of the picnic.
And nearer the dusk:
- dance at the mini-ball;
- savour the taste of the misterious Absinth, served by the Green Fairy.
The youngest will get absorbed by:
- specially prepared artistic workshops for them;
- reading-out of the fragments of the novels about Alice, Peter Pan and others;
- a fairy-tale afternoon tea at the Mad Hatter's;
- a little plushies' stand
The organizers also encourage all participants and guests of the Golden Afternoon, like the ladies and gentlemen of the 1900's, to take care of the garments appropriate for the occasion. Enthusiasts of steampunk, stylish gothic, neo-rmantic, empire, biedermeier styles are welcome as well.
The idea of the picnic includes thinking of the 19th century and it's fashion in an open way - as a source of inspiration for people, who have the wish to spend their time in a pleasant way in stylish attires, engulfed by the charm of the palace, park and attractions prepared. Everyone hopes, that thanks to that this event will be a pleasure and good fun for everyone who joins.
Author: Artemistress
Translator: Artemistress
Source: / / 2013-09-21 / Events
Translator: Artemistress
Source: / / 2013-09-21 / Events
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