Schlagstrom Festival 2013

The event format Schlagstrom came into existence in August 2003. With the first event, a small group of enthusiasts and musicians far beyond the mainstream laid the ground for a special platform for experimental art and music in Berlin.
Schlagstrom festivals and events provide a home and stage for noise artists and sound designers with urban visions for machine music and sounds.New this year are two extra days for the 10-year anniversary
Taken the occasion of the ten year anniversary of festival Schlagstrom crew decided to extend the 2013 event and expand certain music styles in depth and in artistic substance. Therefore they have organized a four days festival, instead of two days as in previous years.
Here's the program, enjoy!
1.08.2013 - Dorfkirche Lichtenberg, live:
Dark Ambient
Inade (Leipzig)
Ah Cama-Sotz (Belgien)
Jack November (Frankfurt)
Hybryds (Belgien)
Spherical Disrupted (D)
2.08.2013 Betriebswerk Schöneweide:
Industrial, Noise, Experimental, Electronic, Rhythm´Noise, Drone, Broken Beats, Installations, Percussion
Dampflok Halle, live:
N.U.Unruh (Einstürzende Neubauten – Beating the Drum) Eröffnungstrommeln
The Horrorist (New York)
Imminent (Belgien)
Thorofon (D)
Sheep on Drugs (UK)
Morgenstern (D)
Underhill (Bln)
Dirty K (UK)
Solar Skeletions (Belgien)
chill outTent, live:
Tape Man (Bln)- Casette Performance
Yura Yura feat. Macha Melanie with Black Light Dance Performance
Mila-Karo (Cabaret Grotesque)
Now wash your hands (UK)
Siamgda -distorted Tabla percussion (Indien)
Net Gen Skeptic (Italien)
Tardive Dyskinesia (D)
Train Stage:
2606° Fahrenheit (France) Industrial Installation / Schattentanz der Maschine
3.08.13 – Betriebswerk Schöneweide
Industrial, Noise, Experimental, Electronic, Rhythm´Noise, Drone, Broken Beats, Installation, Percussion
Dampflok Halle, live:
Esplendor Geometrico (Spain)
Dive (Belgien)
Red Sniper – Patrick Codenys from Front 242 & Kendell Geers (Belgien)
Monolith – Tribute to Muslimgauze (Belgien/BLN)
MS Gentur (D)
Gerechtigkeitsliga (D/UK)
Chrysalide (France)
Zan Lyons (BLN)
mds51 (D)
Kellerschlaeger (BLN)
chill outTent:
C-edric DJ
C-drik talk about experimental music in Africa and Asia + Audio & Visual contributions,
Praying for Oblivion (Belgien)
Mike Maa (Bln)
Jose Macabra (UK)
Mandelbrot (D)
Train Stage:
N.U.Unruh (Einstürzenden Neubauten): Industrial Installation with the Steam Engine and Noise
4.08.13 Betriebswerk Schöneweide
live: 18:00 -23:00
Mercydesign (D)
Kunst als Strafe (BLN)
Toys´r´Noise (France) Installation with electronic Toys
DJ Zappi (Faust)
SCHLAFSTROM (limited Tickets) 23:00 – 08:00
Steven Stapleton's Sleep Concert
Steven Stapleton (one of the pioneers of the British industrial music scene) performs his dark ambient music live throughout the night, manipulating his own Nurse with Wounds records, to induce sleep and dreams. Ticket inclusive Bed
Author: Artemistress
Translator: Artemistress
Source: / 2013-07-05 / Events
Translator: Artemistress
Source: / 2013-07-05 / Events
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