Uruchomucho starts on 25th August!

Uruchomucho is a cycle of concerts promoting young Polish artists, which will take place for the third time in Warsow on 25th August, 1st September and 8th September.
The concerts are accopmanied by the meetings with people from music circle and the situation on music market will be discussed. The aim of the action is to promote talented and professional artists who haven't managed to achieve a considerable success yet. This time we are going to hear the whole range of rock'n'roll, glam rock, pop, folk, electronic music, and even soul and jazz.This year the co-organizer is Otwarta Scena, a foundation looking for interesting musical projects.
What's more, as every year the final product of Uruchomucho project will be the album containing music of all artists performing during this year's edition.
Participation in the concerts and events is free.
Westwood https://pl-pl.facebook.com/musicofwestwood
Pedal Distorsionador https://www.facebook.com/PedalDistorsionador
Lil Ironies https://www.facebook.com/lil.ironies
Donut. https://pl-pl.facebook.com/donteatdonut
Revlovers https://pl-pl.facebook.com/Revlovers
Angela Gaber Trio https://www.facebook.com/AngelaGaberTrio
V.in.love https://pl-pl.facebook.com/projectV.in.love
Irena https://www.facebook.com/zespolirena
Olga Matuszewska https://www.facebook.com/olgamatu
Events (between the concerts):
25.08 at 18:00 Guests: Łukasz Napora, Leszek Biolik
1.09 at 16:30 acoustic concert of Anja Orthodox, at 17:00 meeting with artist in the gallery
8.09 at 18:00 Guest: Robert Galas (Good Time Music)
Organizers: Kogdegarda, Narodowe Centrum Kultury
Patronage: TVP WARSZAWA, Aktivist, Radio Kapmus, Jazzsoul.pl, Wiadomośći24.pl, Life,
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