Various Artists - Credo In Unum Deum (CD+Book)
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Various Artists
Add date: 2006-12-26
Label: Trinitas Productions
01. Fraternity And Motherhood (oda Relicta)
02. Regnum (lonsai Maikov)
03. Jerusalem (rose Rovine E Amanti)
04. Mutter Der Schmerzen (von Thronstahl)
05. Satan s Trick (the Days Of The Trumpet Call)
06. Maranatha! (zebaoth)
07. Quando Langelo Muove Le Acque (militia)
08. In The Heart Of The Creator (our God Weeps)
09. Majadahonda (thorn-agram)
10. The Personal Mystery Of Conversion (kriegsfall.u)
11. La Bottega Dellorefice (gregorio Bardini)
12. Aum (kayno Yesno Slonce) -
13. Bewahre Den Glauben (parzival)
14. Euritmia Del Fulgore (hidden Place)
15. Mother Of Mercy (von Thronstahl)