First Oomph live DVD!
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With ten albums under their belts, July 13 th sees the release of the long-awaited first DVD from Dero, Crap and Flux, better known as Oomph!, an absolute MUST for every fan collection. The material features a live recording of the concert in Berlin’s Columbiahalle during the spectacular “GlaubeLiebeTod” t our.
The set list covers no less than 23 (!) songs, skillfully reviewing the long history of the band with hits such as “Gekreuzigt”, “Fieber”, “Supernova”, “Das weisse Licht”, “Augen auf!”, “Brennende Liebe”, “Gott ist ein Popstar” and “Träumst Du”. In addition, the DVD features 15 video clips incl. numerous ‘Making-Of’ documentaries and interview sequences.
Watch the trailer here.