[:SITD:] vs. OOMPH!
Last topics on forum:
- Mera Luna 2016 - 2016-08-21 (Festivals)
- Nocturnal Culture Night 2015 - 2015-09-17 (Festivals)
- Amphi Festival 2015 - 2015-08-03 (Festivals)
- Wave Gotik Treffen 2014 - 2014-06-11 (Festivals)
- Amphi Festival 2013 - 2013-07-25 (Festivals)
- Zita Rock Festival 2012 - 2012-06-17 (Festivals)
- M'era Luna 2009 - 2009-08-29 (Festivals)
- Wave Gotik Treffen 2006 - 2006-06-13 (Festivals)
Last topics on forum:
- Blackfield Festival 2013 - 2013-02-19 (Events)
- [:SITD:] - ICON:KORU - 2011-10-21 (News)
- [:SITD:] revealed title of new album - 2011-09-23 (News)
- [:SITD:] - Rot - 2009-09-14 (News)
- [:SITD:] returns in October 2009 - 2009-08-28 (News)
- Alien vs. Predator and Oomph! - 2007-12-14 (News)
- SITD - "Bestie : Mensch" + "E-WMR" - 2007-08-01 (News)
- First Oomph live DVD! - 2007-07-01 (News)
- SITD & Painbastard - Klangfusion Vol. 1 - 2007-06-20 (News)
- SITD in studio - new album in 2nd half 2007? - 2007-02-19 (News)

[:SITD:] and OOMPH! have just finished successfully a remix collaboration: The result of this very promising co-operation can be heard on the second OOMPH! single "Das Letzte Streichholz" (from the current album "Glaube, Lied, Tod").
The exclusive [:SITD:] remix of the title track will be just available on the premium edition of the MCD, which will be released through GUN Records / SONY BMG on May 05, 2006.
1.Das Letzte Streichholz
2.Mein Schatz
3.Der Präsident Ist Tot - Original Werk: "Der Präsident ist tot - Main Title"
4.Die Hölle Kann Warten
5.Das Letzte Streichholz - [:SITD:] Remix