Anna Aliena - Alien Pop

On her debut EP as a solo artist Anna Aliena sang about "Silly Little Boys" (2011), then she turned into "Cinderella" (2012) and travelled to the far north. The third EP "Alien Pop" (release date: August 6, 2013) is a celebration of her self-made genre alien pop: The opera pop diva composed five new tunes full of catchy choruses, danceable beats and musical twists which come as a surprise.
Little green men, intergalactic terrorists and E.T. have not much in common with Anna Aliena's work. Under the cloak of alien pop she allows herself all kinds of stylistic blendings which pop up in her mind during her productions.
Since May 10, 2013 the video "Robot" has been available on YouTube and other video channels. Whereas the clip was produced by Anna Aliena herself, Tim Brackmann, a graphic designer from Berlin, drew the cover of "Alien Pop". On August 6, 2013, Go!Diva Records is going to release the entire set of songs for digital download and on a limited CD edition signed by the artist.6 Little green men, intergalactic terrorists and E.T. have not much in common with Anna Aliena's work. Under the cloak of alien pop she allows herself all kinds of stylistic blendings which pop up in her mind during her productions.
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