- Copernicon 2014 - 2014-09-25 (Conventions)
- Copernicon 2013 - 2013-09-24 (Conventions)
- Copernicon 2012 - 2012-10-27 (Conventions)
- AnimeCon Halloween in Poznań! - 2017-10-09 (Events)
- Copernicon 2016 is getting closer! - 2016-09-02 (Events)
- Japanicon 2015 – Just a week away! - 2015-10-05 (Events)
- Countdown to Pyrkon continues! - 2015-04-18 (Events)
- The largest Polish fantasy convention in just one week! - 2015-04-16 (Events)
- Copernicon announced! - 2015-03-06 (Events)
- WTF - Toruń Fantasy Weekend 2/2014 - 2014-12-06 (Events)
- Copernicon's schedule - 2014-09-19 (Events)
- You can submit your project for Copernicon - 2014-08-21 (Events)
- Copernicon date revealed! - 2014-01-25 (Events)

Arkhamer is the event aimed at fans of board games, battle games, RPG, fiction in all its forms. We invite everyone who likes good fun - from 3 to 103 years old!
Event will take place at Gimnazjum no.10 im. Janusza Kusocińskiego in Kalisz on 28-29 March 2015.It is first event like that in Kalisz.
It is organized by people with long term experience who, among others, are involved in:
- Copernicon in Toruń,
- national Polcon,
- previous editions of Cebulkon in Kalisz,
- Festyn Fantastyczny.
Our aim is spreading interest in fiction and diversification of cultural side of Kalisz and surrounding areas. We also want to promote among young people ways of spending time without using computer.
We want You!
* We encourage to e-mail notification agenda via: [email protected] or via form on our website http://
* We look for daredevils who want to volunteer and help us during the convention. Interested? Write at [email protected] or use the form on the website http://