WTF - Toruń Fantasy Weekend 2/2014
- Copernicon 2014 - 2014-09-25 (Conventions)
- Copernicon 2013 - 2013-09-24 (Conventions)
- Copernicon 2012 - 2012-10-27 (Conventions)
- AnimeCon Halloween in Poznań! - 2017-10-09 (Events)
- Copernicon 2016 is getting closer! - 2016-09-02 (Events)
- Japanicon 2015 – Just a week away! - 2015-10-05 (Events)
- Countdown to Pyrkon continues! - 2015-04-18 (Events)
- The largest Polish fantasy convention in just one week! - 2015-04-16 (Events)
- Arkhamer - 2015-03-13 (Events)
- Copernicon announced! - 2015-03-06 (Events)
- Copernicon's schedule - 2014-09-19 (Events)
- You can submit your project for Copernicon - 2014-08-21 (Events)
- Copernicon date revealed! - 2014-01-25 (Events)

If you are a fan of widely understood fantasy, you are interested in Japan, magic and anime, you like playing boardgames or card games or you like RPG sessions or LARPs, this event is for you!
13-14 December in Toruń!
Programme! -
Cosplay! -
if you want to be a helper -
In February the second edition of the event took place. Thorn Association decided to organize one more to close the convents year 2014 in Toruń.
The main topic will be the mixture of Caribbean and Zombie à la Dead Island!
Thanks to cooperation with Community Centre the event will take place exactly there in Toruń old town. There will be several thematic sections. This year it will be almost 200 hours of events in sections:
- Japan - Anime - Manga
- Fantasy section
- Competitions section
- Main Room - biggest attractions
- Games Room
- Video Room
13 - 14 December2014. It starts on Saturday at 10:00 and closes on Sunday at 6:00pm.
Main building of Community Centre in Toruń will be opened
• from Saturday 10:00 to Sunday 6:00 pm non stop.
the cost of full accreditation is 20 PLN.
• full (two days) accreditation: 20 PLN
• one day (Saturday): 10 PLN
• one day (Sunday): 10 PLN
If you need accomodation you may sleep in Primary School no 1 for only 5 PLN.