Artrosis cannot perform during the Female Voices Tour
- Castle Party 2015 - 2015-07-23 (Festivals)
- Castle Party 2013 - 2013-07-17 (Festivals)
- Castle Party 2012 - 2012-08-02 (Festivals)
- Blood + Victorians - 2012-04-08 (Concerts)
- Female Voices Tour 2008 - 2008-12-16 (Concerts)
- Female Voices Tour 2008 - 2008-12-14 (Concerts)
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- 3Gramy - 3Concerts - Exclusively, Elitary, Effectively - 2013-03-19 (Events)
- Victorians - Revival - 2012-10-18 (News)

Unfortunately, on band's offical website we can find a sad information, that Artrosis won't perform any of the 3 concerts on Female Voices Tour festival.
Here is full message:"With regret we announce, that band Artrosis cannot perform during the Female Voices Tour in Skarżysko-Kamienna, Bielsko Biała and Lublin, because of the family's tragedy that touched one of band's members. We want to sorry all our fans, and in the name of band At The Lake and other performers we strongly encourage to take part in the concerts. We hope, that we soon will meet them on one stage."
30.03.12. Skarżysko-Kamienna, At The Lake, start: 19.00, tickets: 10 PLN
31.03.12. Bielsko-Biała, At The Lake, Victorians, start: 19.00, tickets: 10/15 PLN
01.04.12. Lublin, At The Lake, Loom, start: 19.00, tickets: 10/15 PLN
Tickets' prices change. You can return your ticket or exchange it on a cheaper one on the day of the concert.