Victorians confirm the tour with The 69 Eyes and concerts during festivals in Poland and abroad!
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- Castle Party 2014 - 2014-07-22 (Festivals)
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- Castle Party 2013 - 2013-07-17 (Festivals)
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Coming from Bielsko-Biała and debuting in 2012 with their album "Revival" the band Victorians invites for the forthcoming concerts. The band will perform during 3 concerts of The 69 Eyes Polish tour – 27th April in Warsaw (Proxima), 28th April in Cracow (Kwadrat) and 29th April in Wroclaw (Alibi). Apart from them also The Fright – horror-rock band from Germany will perform.
In the summer Victorians will perform during Castle Party, one of the biggest gothic music festival in Europe taking place from 11 to 14 July in Bolków. In the autumn the band will perform abroad – among the others on 18th October during Metal Female Voices Fest 2013 in Belgium (Tarja Turunen will be the main star) and on 26th October they will play during Bram Stoker International Film Festival in Whitby, Britain.