Bisclaveret vs Bruno - Les Mannequins
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12 th of July is the day of official premiere of "Les Mannequins"- publication signed as Bisclaveret vs Bruno. The date of edition is not choosen by a coincidence , It falls on the date of birth of Brunon Shulz. In this way musicians would like to pay homage to one of the greatest artists of modern art.
Text from the "Tractate about Mannequines" has inspired them to the creation of almost 40 minutes, improvised concept album. This CD is balancing between classic sounds of Bisclaveret and more drone-ambient nature of the band. Musicians want to promote this edition by concerts in the country and abroad. More details about concerts you will know soon by visiting of our official web-side ( The author of the layout is Pretorian photographer from Gdansk.
Honouary patronate: The President of Gdańsk Paweł Adamowicz.
"Les Mannequins" is the first step in the activity of new label formed by musicians, named Zoharum. Thorn and Dragos are concentrated on the promotion of their creative activity, but for today they declare that in the future they want to promote different bands and also writers, filmmakers, painters, photographers and all people who have something in common with art. So Zoharum will not be only record company but also artistic collective.
More informations on the websites: