Funker Vogt - Der letzte Tanz
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- FUNKER VOGT - some words of new album 'Aviator' - 2007-03-13 (News)
- Plans of Funker Vogt - 2006-06-03 (Events)

As first taster for the all new Funker Vogt album ‘Code of Conduct', here's a special EP. After a few years of silence Gerrit Thomas and Rene Dornbusch enter the dance floors of the world again, accompanied by none other than singer Chris L. (Agonoize / The Sexorcist) on the microphone! Hard-hitting and merciless as ever Funker Vogt will attack the dance floors with catchy dance tracks again.
‘Der letzte Tanz' attracts with his hymnic and ear-catching melody and owns all ingedients that are necessary to become another great hit. The EP features 4 different versions of the title-track plus the exclusive song ‘Blut und Schmerz'.
Available from 19 May 2017 by Resurrection Records.‘Der letzte Tanz' attracts with his hymnic and ear-catching melody and owns all ingedients that are necessary to become another great hit. The EP features 4 different versions of the title-track plus the exclusive song ‘Blut und Schmerz'.
01 Der letzte Tanz (tanzmix)
02 Der letzte Tanz (kurzmix)
03 Blut und Schmerz
04 Der letzte Tanz (Patenbrigade Wolff remix)
05 Der letzte Tanz (Winterhart remix)