FUNKER VOGT - some words of new album 'Aviator'
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Over a year ago FUNKER VOGT released 'Navigator' and now they're coming back with full lenght album called 'Aviator'. Inspiration is taken from war themes (music and graphics) and they sound as we are used to. Release date - late april 2007. Some words from the band:
Disc 1 CD :
01. Welcome To Destruction
02. Paralyzed
03. Child Soldier
04. City Of Darkness
05. My Fortune
06. Hostile Waters
07. Thanatophobia
08. Frozen In Time
09. One
10. Darwin's Nightmare
11. Blind Rage
12. Babylon
13. Death Machine ( Exclusive Bonus Track )
14. Snow Was Falling ( Exclusive Bonus Track )
Disc 2 DVD :
01. Hostile Waters
02. Child Soldier
03. Frozen in Time
04. City of Darkness
05. Babylon
06. Electronic Press Kit ( Interviewsequence with Funker Vogt )
07. Making of / Photo Shoot
08. Picture Gallery
09. Trailer For PC Game "Grabenkrieg In Europa"