Leaether Strip- free EP download
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Leæther Strip prepared for download completely free of charge its EP CD containing 10 remixes of the song "It's who I am". These are thanks to all the fans who watched in the passing year a live performance by Larsen.
Remixes were made by Psychopomps Axel kleintjes, Spark! and several others. To get EP CD simply register at: www.alfa-matrix.com/leaether-strip-free-ep during the week of Christmas.Tracklisting:
01. "It's Who I Am (Spark! remix)"
02. "Its who i am (the sick fuck mix)"
03. "It's who I am (AAAK remix)"
04. "It's Who I Am (ADkeY remix)"
05. "It's who I am (Bilian remix)"
06. "It's Who I Am (Fucked Sick remix)"
07. "It's who I am (Astma remix)"
08. "It's Who I Am (aKLEINTJES remix)"
09. "Its who I am" (NordarRR remix)"
10. "It's Who I Am (A.D.A.C. 8286 remix)"