New album Zeromancer - Sinners International
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Last topics on forum:
- Zeromancer odwołany! - 2010-04-30
- wolne miejsca w aucie - Diorama, Diary, Zeromancer, Unheilig - koncerty w DE - 2010-01-20
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- Castle Party Festival 2013 - 2012-11-23 (Events)
- Zeromancer announces new album - 2010-01-07 (News)
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Zeromancer: On their long-awaited new album ‘Sinners International’, Zeromancer combine rousing guitar chords, hammering beats, unbelievably catchy hooklines and seductively striking vocals to form a compendium of potential hits that no-one will be able to pass by.
With their hit, It Sounds Like Love (But it Looks Like Sex) Zeromancer bring back that which gothic, electro and metal have been missing for years. Sex and rock ‘n’ roll, packed with energy, whose dark and yet energetic anthems will stir not just the underground. ‘Sinners International’: ‘filth noir’ with which Zeromancer will once more take not only the festival stages and dancefloors by storm but also the hearts of their fans.
Released on Trisol and available February 13th, 2009.
01 Sinners International
02 Doppelgänger I Love You
03 My Little Tragedy
04 It sounds like Love (but it looks like Sex)
05 Filth Noir
06 Fictional
07 I'm Yours to lose
08 Two Skulls
09 Imaginary Friends
10 Ammonite .