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Mesh - A Perfect Solution


Mesh - A Perfect Solution

2010-05-27 / Defka / Reads: 4781

Before the new single "Only Better" has appeared, it’s been three years since the last CD (supp. "We Collide"). Then I already had the sense that the new album will not disappoint me. As far as you can state that after having heard one song. You can, and I wasn’t...

Job Karma - Punkt


Job Karma - Punkt

2010-05-30 / Dobermann / Reads: 6683

Firstly I must explain one thing, I know Job Karma's artwork very well so from each new album I demand a lot and expect it with the whole severity. And thus I faced a hard task to review the latest release of Job Karma - one of the most creditable...

ASP - Wer Sonst?/Im Märchenland


ASP - Wer Sonst?/Im Märchenland

2010-06-04 / Medea / Reads: 3343

New ASP single is a piece of well fabricated, specific darkwave, which the band is known for. Besides title tracks we can also find their covers of Trio and The Cult and two remixes by Project Pitchfork and Clan of Xymox. Each and every song is well-rounded and thought out...

Der Blaue Reiter - Nuclear Sun


Der Blaue Reiter - Nuclear Sun

2010-06-10 / Medea / Reads: 2667

26th April 1986, Chernobyl, Ukraine. In the middle of the night the whole area is being shuddered by enormous explosion. The forth reactor of Chernobyl's nuclear power plant has just exploded. These events were an inspiration while to create the third studio recording Der Bleue Reiter "Nuclear Sun". Each...

Agapesis - Mistress of blood


Agapesis - Mistress of blood

2010-06-14 / mashenah / Reads: 4984

Here’s a musical monster which was released by one of Danse Macabre sublabels. If this is how, according to honourable Herr Bruno Kramm, the dark independent stage should look like, then from now on I’m becoming a fan of old good country music. Saying that "one has...

Lost Area - Man Machine


Lost Area - Man Machine

2010-06-20 / Camille / Reads: 4815

At the very beginning one should say a few words about this band, which indeed doeasn’t seem to be known among wider group of alternative music enthusiasts. Lost Area consists of four musicians: the main Finder and producer Jan, vocalist Asli, producer/vocalist Mark Bear and also spreading his singing...

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