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Depeche Mode - Tour Of The Universe

Depeche Mode - Tour Of The Universe

2009-07-20 / Schizev / Reads: 8557

Prague, 25th June 2009 Even when I was a teenager during school's discos I was standing in a circle with a group of the "privileged ones" and we were stumping the Personal's rhythm... Depeche Mode have been near me for years – closer or further – but always. Some...

Neuwerk Festival 2008

Neuwerk Festival 2008

2009-02-08 / Attack / Reads: 12139

We arrived in Berlin in the early afternoon, AT this time most people are celebrating the Boxing Day but we had decided to spęd it in an alternative way, the city seemed empty – in the end it was Boxing Day indeed, most shops, restaurants were closed, after short walk...

VII Wrocław Industrial Festival

VII Wrocław Industrial Festival

2008-11-28 / agnes / Reads: 11050

I went to VIIth edition of Wrocław Industrial Festival with excitement and curiosity, wondering if and how, will the organizers and the bands surprise us. Despite the fact that I was present only during concerts on Saturday and Sunday, there were many attractions. Gothic Hall gathered many different musicians as...

M'era Luna 2008

M'era Luna 2008

2008-10-03 / Nathashah / Reads: 33947

The atractiveness of this festival surpassed all our expectations as usually. I was preparing myself for pretty large dose of energy and I wasn’t disappointed. One of the biggest music events in Europe drew attention of every fan of alternative sounds. Nearly 25 thousand of people celebrated this unique...

Diary of Dreams

Diary of Dreams

2008-07-08 / Gosh_Absi / Reads: 13645

Coming to Progresja for people from outside of Warsaw it is a quite big challenge, adding bad weather one can imagine the mood of the people waitting in front of the club. But that could be a mistake. After we picked up our editorial friends from the east border we...

Antimatter - Legendary Mick Moss + Leafblade

Antimatter - Legendary Mick Moss + Leafblade

2008-05-30 / alphar / Reads: 6812

It is Tuesday 19.46, a little cold I go to Johnny Rocker, I`m thinking even if the concert sucks at last I will see the legendary club. The crowd in front of the entrance suprises me. All the standard tickets are sold, the people struggle for extra places. Following my...

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