A Musical Tribute To Edward Packard - Master Of Adventures

Edward Packard is the creator of the concept that gave birth to the book series "Choose Your Own Adventure". Author of over 50 books in the series that captivated the imagination of the world from 1978 to 1998.
In these books the classic writing in the third person was replaced by the second person, "you". This novel premise broke the conventional role of the reader (passive and linear) and threw it to new horizons.A mysterious cave that communicates with different points of history. The acquisition of a supercomputer capable of performing wonders. Being abducted at latitude 54/40 by an alien race that inhabits a giant UFO. The descent into an underground kingdom lit by the Black Sun.
These are some of the topics addressed in the magnificent Packard books.
A man who marked the Juvenile literature forever.
Limited edition Digipack
00. Opening with Edward Packard
01. Van Delay - The Cave of Time
02. Alghul - Autumn Ruins (on Chimney Rock)
03. Fernando Cenzabella - Your Code Name is Jonah
04. Igniis - Road to Ultima (Dzyan)
05. Kazeria - March of the Forbidden Castle
06. Igniis - The Great River
07. Demo – Hyperspace
08. Duomoro – Supercomputer
09. Turnavel – Return to cave of time
10. Panda Paranoico - Space Vampir
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