Art. Abscons - Der Verorgene Gott

"The world is my dream at daybreak. Guarded by angels, conceived by devils" is the magical formula opening ART ABSCONs' conceptual album. The album leads through delirious dreamscapes ranging from catchy pop tunes to ethereal soundscapes, f rom medieval ditties to industrial sound collages, from childish melodies to psychedelic walls of sound, always crowned by Abscon's haunting, poetical voice.
The whole is spiced up with noteworthy vocal and instrumental contributions from distinguished collaborators such as members of Luftwaffe, Sinweldi and Gnomonclast. Art Abscon is a mysterious individual lurking in the twilight of his mask. Not much is known of him, except that he sometimes refers to himself as "Grandmaster Abscon" or even "The Hidden God", who, it seems, is worshipped by the so-called "Ordre Secret d'Abscon". From his poetical work one may derive that he is deeply indebted to Early German Romanticism and the Symbolist Movement, but his music - which is an inspiring and innovative melange of traditional neofolk, darkfolk and classic industrial - catapults the splendour of his poetry into realms unknown. There is undeniably a certain sensuousness in his voice that some might even describe as sex appeal, but he can turn into a hissing demon from one moment to the next. Released on Hau Ruck and available May 22nd, 2011.
01 Morgendämmerung
02 Ahndung (à travers les collines)
03 Rune
04 Der verlassene Hain
05 Es ist Zeit
06 Niemandsgebet
07 Liliensonne
08 Erscheinung!
09 Effigy (im Abbild verbrannt)
10 Aus Asche geformt
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