Beauty Queen Autopsy - Roughest Cuts- the demos

Called everything from dark noisepop to distorted synthpop (it’s poppy regardless), BEAUTY QUEEN AUTOPSY is a dynamic new voice coming out of the chaos of the indie electronic world. Comprised of two veterans of the DIY underground electronic scene, San Francisco’s Erica Mulkey (best known as cello chanteuse Unwoman) and Madison, WI’s Matt Fanale (aka punk industrial provocateur Caustic), BQA combines equal parts post-punk, new wave, and noise, and grinds it all into a paste of dirty, dark romantic goo, combining Mulkey's gorgeous vocals with Fanale's stark, reverb drenched compositions.
Their free debut EP ROUGHEST CUTS- THE DEMOS spent nearly a week at the top of the Bandcamp charts (and went to number one on the alternative charts). Consisting of three original tracks and a cover of the Sex Pistols classic 'Submission', BQA cites influences ranging from the Jesus and Mary Chain to EMA to Pulp as some of the inspirations for their music.
Beauty Queen Autopsy ‘s debut can be found at and free debut EP ROUGHEST CUTS- THE DEMOS spent nearly a week at the top of the Bandcamp charts (and went to number one on the alternative charts). Consisting of three original tracks and a cover of the Sex Pistols classic 'Submission', BQA cites influences ranging from the Jesus and Mary Chain to EMA to Pulp as some of the inspirations for their music.
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Author: morrigan
Translator: morrigan
Source: / 2014-03-07 / News
Translator: morrigan
Source: / 2014-03-07 / News
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