Black Volition - Sea of Velvet Rays

Black Volition is the new musical project from Reza Udhin from Inertia/Killing Joke, together with Guitarist Will Crewdson from Rachel Stamp/Adam Ant/Flesh For Lulu.
Think Dirgy Blues, Dark Cabaret, Twisted Electronics, Dusty Jazz, Spaghetti Westerns and a sorrowful song and you are ontrack to creating the sound of Black Volition in your imagination.
Available from 15 January 2016 by Resurrection Records.Think Dirgy Blues, Dark Cabaret, Twisted Electronics, Dusty Jazz, Spaghetti Westerns and a sorrowful song and you are ontrack to creating the sound of Black Volition in your imagination.
1. Cenotaph
2. Hands on You
3. Underground Cities
4. Velvet Ray
5. Rivers
6. The Rain
7. Unselected
8. Photograph
9. Decisions
10. Life Speed
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