Bright White Lightning - Dirty Nails

Bright White Lightning is a four piece electronic rock band based in Seattle. Combining a range of vintage and retro technology and synthesizers with guitars and percussion, the band’s sound is reminiscent of early American & British new wave bands as well as modern synthpop and indie rock acts. Citing wide-ranging influences including Metronomy, New Order, The Rapture, Caribou, The Strokes, and LCD Soundsystem, Bright White Lightning delivers a punchy, powerful sound that is equal parts contemporary indie-pop, electronica, and 80s rock.
Dirty Nails, the follow up EP to Bad Teeth, drops in June 2014 and there are a multitude of events planned alongside the EP’s launch. Dirty Nails juxtaposes guitar, bass, and drums with a range of electronic elements including the Nintendo Gameboy, Commodore Amiga, and 80s synths. With the final additions of heartfelt, semi-autobiographical lyrics and powerful choruses, Dirty Nails highlights the continuing evolution of the band’s signature sound.Newest comments:
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