Eldar - Amesha Spentas

Eldar (Marc Merinee & Merce Spica) returns with a new album and with their significant mixture of dark-ambient and bombastic martial music. As always they choose the title for their album related to a philosophical and mystical meaning.
On "Amesha Spentas" the songs has been created based on the work by Goya, from the conceptual point of view. Viewing these works through an occult philosophy. Each song is placed in a specific historical moment. All sounds and instruments are also chosen specifically for each songs individual concept. Using multitude of synths, samples, tools (metals, knives, bowls, pipes, wood, etc.) together with field recordings. Creating that special dark haunted atmosphere that has become wellknown as the ELDAR sound.Released on Cold Meat Industry and available April 16th, 2010.
01 Strange Madness
02 The Insurgents Shot
03 The Sleep of Reason create Monsters
04 The Truth, The History, The Time
05 The Powder brought Sludge
06 Died the Truth
07 The Courtyard of Fools
08 Asmodea
09 Death Beds
10 Satourn devouring One of his Sons
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