Empusae & Marc T. - Deugden Van Angst En Het Kwaad

Liaison between two exceptional artists: Sal-Ocin known also from his solo project Empusae, and Marc Titolo aka Marc T. who is partially known for his earlier breakbeat/electronica/ idm project dither, but mostly as a composer, guitarist and vocalist of the post-rock band Dirge.
Since their first collaboration in 2013, they decided to work on a whole album based on Marc's guitar compositions and completed with Sal-Ocin's electronic and electro-acoustic rhythms, melodies and soundscapes. The result of this decision is "Deugden Van Angst En Het Kwaad', a perfect balance between two different musical viewpoints fusing into one. Slow repetitive beats and atmospheric electronics build a solid foundation for massive guitar soundwalls passing the edge of hypnotic post-psychedelia and grieving doom metal. A deep and dark and dangerous maelstrom for the listener get roped into without resistance - be invited, you won't regret taking this auditory journey!Available from 24 April 2015 by Ant-Zen.
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