Endless Asylum - Danvers State Hospital-Beyond Mental Illness

CAUSTIC RECORDS presents, ENDLESS ASYLUM, "Danvers State Hospital-Beyond Mental Illness", the awaited debut album of this new solo project performed by Sathorys Elenorth (Der Blaue Reiter, Narsilion, Lugburz).
Schizophrenic obscure ambient inspired in the lunatic asylum "Danvers State Hospital". A dark journey, across the human insane mind, exploring claustrophobic passages beyond the blackened side of the death. Maybe you can cross the gates of insanity, but never more will come back!! Released on Caustic Records and available July 15th, 2010.
1. The journey of Marie Bartel
2. Schizophrenia
3. Chilhood in the asylum
4. The lobotomist
5. Into de deep silence and suffering
6. Beyond mental illness
7. The voice of Danvers/When the gates of oblivion was closed forever
8. Video track. Shizophrenia - official videoclip
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