Faderhead leaving Accession Records
Last topics on forum:
- Mera Luna 2017 - 2017-08-21 (Festivals)
- Wave Gotik Treffen 2014 - 2014-06-11 (Festivals)
- E-tropolis 2014 - 2014-02-27 (Festivals)
- Amphi Festival 2013 - 2013-07-25 (Festivals)
- M'era Luna 2012 - 2012-08-15 (Festivals)
- E-tropolis Festival 2011 - 2011-09-18 (Festivals)
- Wave Gotik Treffen 2011 - 2011-06-16 (Festivals)
- The Christmas Ball Festival 2010 - 2010-12-31 (Festivals)
- Amphi Festival 2010 - 2010-07-27 (Festivals)
- M'era Luna 2009 - 2009-08-29 (Festivals)
- Diorama + Faderhead + Agonised by Love - 2008-04-23 (Concerts)
Last topics on forum:
- Faderhead - Black Friday - 2010-09-09
- Faderhead videoklip Horizon Born - 2010-02-20
- M'era Luna 2017 - 2016-09-08 (Events)
- Faderhead - Atoms & Emptiness - 2014-02-15 (News)
- Faderhead - Atoms & Emptiness - 2014-01-15 (News)
- Faderhead - FH4 - 2013-02-19 (News)
- News from Amphi Festival - 2012-12-25 (Events)
- Faderhead - Two Sides To Every Story - 2012-11-10 (News)
- Faderhead - The World of Faderhead - 2012-03-30 (News)
- More artists at M'era Luna 2012! - 2012-02-03 (Events)
- The Christmas Ball Festivals 2010 - 2010-12-14 (Events)
- Pre-listening of new Faderhead album "Black Friday" - 2010-10-02 (News)

This is official statement from the band:
"Hi everyone, today I received the signed contracts that state that my record deal with Accession Records has been terminated. This has happened as a result of my own request and I have to say that Accession has been nothing but helpful by deciding not to step in my way as an artist in the future.
"Hi everyone, today I received the signed contracts that state that my record deal with Accession Records has been terminated. This has happened as a result of my own request and I have to say that Accession has been nothing but helpful by deciding not to step in my way as an artist in the future.
What the future brings? I dont know. FH3 will probably not get released. That is all I can say.
There are many reasons for this, most of them business related, some of them personal. The main reason being financial. If a newcomer band who scores an international club hit (Dirtygirrrls/Dirtybois hast been getting HEAVY play all over the world from the US to Russia) and puts out 2 albums that receive nothing but critical acclaim - if that band (or in this case one individual) still loses about 10k Euros on both of those releases, something is definitely not right. And I am not even including the money Accession put up for pressing, ads, etc.
I totally agree with anyone that music should always be a matter of the heart, but at some point it just does not become feasible to lose money every year and it becomes frustrating to see that most (95%) of your "fans" think so little of you music that they have it at home, listen to it regularly, write you how much they like it and dont even bother to buy it."