Fennesz - Black Sea

The master is comingback with his new album Black Sea. It's a 4th solo album and first since Venice(2004). All tracks composed, performed, recorded and mixed by Christian Fennesz at Amann Studio, Vienna (where he live) and in France.
In Black Sea took part Rosy Parlane and Anthony Pateras. As the US magazine Stylus wrote about Black: He forces you to learn a different method of perception and interpretation, to look beneath the chaos that seems to govern the movements of life and find the patterns beneath.” [Nick Southall] Nonetheless the last Fennesz work features guitars that rarely sound like guitars and there are transformed into orchestra,acoustic and electric guitars,synthesizers electronics,computers and live-improvising software loops. In Poland Black Sea is available in GUSSTAFF RECORDS.
1. Black Sea
2. The Colour of Three
3. Perfume for Winter
4. Grey Scale
5. Glide
6. Glass Ceiling
7. Vacuum
8. Saffron Revolution
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