IAMX in Poland!
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- IAMX Before & After Party: 16-17.10: Kraków - 2009-10-14
- IAMX Party - 18.04.09 (sobota) - Kraków!!! - 2009-04-12
- IAMX Alternative Before Party - 14.11.2008 (piątek) - Folia, Kraków - 2008-11-15
- IAMX - Everything Is Burning (Metanoia Addendum) - 2016-09-09 (News)
- IAMX - North Star - 2016-02-23 (News)
- IAMX comes back to Poland! - 2016-02-09 (Events)
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- Headliner of M'era Luna 2013 announced! - 2012-12-11 (Events)
- IAMX - The Unified Field - 2012-12-05 (News)
- IAMX - Bernadette - 2011-07-30 (News)

In November next year IAMX is going to give two concerts in Poland. Chris Corner with his solo project is going to perform in Warsaw and Cracow as a part of his tour promoting the newest release "The Unified Fiels" which is going to be released at the beginning of 2013.
IAMX is a project of Chris Corner – vocalist, composer and founder of Sneaker Pimps debuting in 1996. After three albums recorded with Sneaker Pimps Chris Corner decided to establish a solo project IAMX. From the very beginning the project has been characterised by independent and anti-commercial attitude based on developing strong relations with fans.Founded in 2004 IAMX has released four albums described as electro, dance and experimental burlesque. These are "Kiss and Swallow" (2004), "Alternative" (2006), "Kingdom of Welcome Addiction" (2009) and "Volatile Times" (2011).
In 2008 the album "Live in Warsaw" was released, which was the recording of the concert from Trójka radio.
Next year new, fifth album of IAMX "The Unified Field" is going to be released and the single with the same title had its premiere in December, which we wrote about here.
More details about IAMX forthcoming polish concerts:
22.11.2013 – Cracow, Studio, 8:00pm
23.11.2013 - Warsaw, Stodoła, 8:00pm
Tickets price presale/on the day of the concert:
90/110 PLN
Author: Artemistress
Translator: morrigan
Source: http://www.metalmind.com.pl, http://muzyka.onet.pl / 2012-12-27 / Events
Translator: morrigan
Source: http://www.metalmind.com.pl, http://muzyka.onet.pl / 2012-12-27 / Events