IAMX - Metanoia
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- IAMX Alternative Before Party - 14.11.2008 (piątek) - Folia, Kraków - 2008-11-15
- Fear Of Domination - Metanoia - 2018-06-29 (News)
- IAMX - Everything Is Burning (Metanoia Addendum) - 2016-09-09 (News)
- IAMX - North Star - 2016-02-23 (News)
- IAMX comes back to Poland! - 2016-02-09 (Events)
- IAMX - Metanoia (Vinyl) - 2015-12-19 (News)
- IAMX - Happiness - 2015-06-29 (News)
- More bands in M'era Luna line-up! - 2013-03-01 (Events)
- IAMX in Poland! - 2012-12-27 (Events)
- Headliner of M'era Luna 2013 announced! - 2012-12-11 (Events)
- IAMX - The Unified Field - 2012-12-05 (News)

The creation of this new record, called Metanoia, was initially overshadowed by a big change in Chris life.
"There was a point when I believed I would never make another record, concerning IAMX’s sudden break from recording and touring a few years ago due to chronic insomnia. I associated my career with everything that was hurting me, but slowly I managed to filter out the poison and get back to what I really love." – Chris explains.
Chris has now put the final caresses to his upcoming sixth IAMX album. "I am proud and exhilarated to announce the creation of the new album, and ecstatic my musical bastard child has got this far. There is a simplicity to the sound that takes me back to my earlier work. It is purely electronic, lustful dystopian Man versus Machine."
Like an electro glam soundtrack to a Jan Svankmajer film, IAMX – "Metanoia" mixes Corner’s erotically charged dynamic vocals with fresh intricate electronic production, melancholia and piercing lyrics. Music that is as brutal as it is emotional.
Available from 2 October 2015 by Metropolis Records."There was a point when I believed I would never make another record, concerning IAMX’s sudden break from recording and touring a few years ago due to chronic insomnia. I associated my career with everything that was hurting me, but slowly I managed to filter out the poison and get back to what I really love." – Chris explains.
Chris has now put the final caresses to his upcoming sixth IAMX album. "I am proud and exhilarated to announce the creation of the new album, and ecstatic my musical bastard child has got this far. There is a simplicity to the sound that takes me back to my earlier work. It is purely electronic, lustful dystopian Man versus Machine."
Like an electro glam soundtrack to a Jan Svankmajer film, IAMX – "Metanoia" mixes Corner’s erotically charged dynamic vocals with fresh intricate electronic production, melancholia and piercing lyrics. Music that is as brutal as it is emotional.
01. No Maker Made Me
02. Happiness
03. North Star
04. Say Hello Melancholia
05. The Background Noise
06. Insomnia
07. Look Outside
08. Oh Cruel Darkness Embrace Me
09. Aphrodisiac
10. Surrender
11. Wildest Wind