Idlefon - Submarine

Following his well-received debut album 'Intensive Collectivity Known As City', Idelfon now presents his latest works titled ‘Submarine‘. Continuing his infectious style of producing lush atmospheres and haunting melodies, marked by melancholic beats and wondrous soundscapes, ‘Submarine’ floats effortlessly from one song to the next, offering a welcomed escape from the chaos of this world.
With five engaging new songs, Idlefon gently embraces the listener with a striking array of ambient sounds, locking in impressive rhythmic structures that flow through underlying static and echoing melodies. A soulful and reflective journey, 'Submarine' melts and pulses within itself, in turn resulting in a deeply resonating listening experience.Available from 18 August 2015 by Tympanik Audio.
1. Make It Rain 07:13
2. Absorbed 06:07
3. Sinking 06:48
4. Conflict 06:05
5. Homecoming (with Kamyar Behbahani) 04:46
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