Kazeria - Liber Corvus

Liber Corvus -the Raven Book- is a new and occult full length by Kazeria after "Discipline Of The Shadows" (SkullLine, 2008) and "Credo Nostrvm" (Twilight Records, 2010). This album was conceived as a rite of passage from dusk to the deep night of the Spirit to reach the fullness of the Gnosis. The Crow guides the neophyte through the Four Hymns to achieve transmutation in the Midnight Sun, which is the Morning Star as a symbol of a new Golden Dawn.
The edition was inspired by the thelemic works of Frater Perdurabo (the great Aleister Crowley) the medieval mysticism, hermetic symbols and heathen wisdom. The album contains four dark ambient songs plus two hidden tracks, representing the rites of Liber Corvus and a video-ritual directed by Diego Arandojo, that emphazises on the main theme of the work.Newest comments:
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