Known Rebel - Hollow

Employing a variety of styles of electronic music such as glitch, ambient, breaks, and electronica with expert subtlety and control, Known Rebel craft their sounds into breathtaking movements of auditory emotion that build elegantly and flow into marvelous finales.
Poignant melodies, rich basslines, and lush synth measures serve as the undercurrent for wondrous atmospheres that embrace the listener, allowing plenty of room to breathe. Charming melodies, graceful fluidity, and an illuminating depth make ‘Hollow’ a must-have for those who appreciate classy bedroom IDM.Includes remixes by Jaime Irles and Mothboy plus bonus remixes by Roel Funcken (Funckarma), Lucidstatic, 2methylBulbe1ol, and Access To Arasaka.
Released on Tympanik and available January 13th, 2012.
01. Anonymous
02. Neigh
03. Mechanical Sunset (feat. Andrey G)
04. Herz Aeon
05. Gathering of the Argonauts
06. Science
07. Smart
08. Helium-3 (Jaime Irles remix)
09. Herz Aeon (Mothboy remix)
10. Smart (Roel Funcken remix)
11. Gathering of the Argonauts (Lucidstatic remix)
12. Helium-3 (2methylBulbe1ol remix)
13. Herz Aeon (Access To Arasaka remix)
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