La Chanson Noire - Macumba Stereo

New album of La Chanson Noire entitled "Macumba Stereo", comes out on April 5th by Necrosymphonic Records. La Chanson Noire is a Dark Cabaret/Gothic Rock act from from Portugal, fronted by Charles Sagnoir.
"Macumba Stereo" is the third and last album under the name La Chanson Noire - recorded between Lond and Lisbon, this record revisits the project's earlier songs, originally released as demos and singles prior to the release of the first two albums 'Musica para os Mortos' and 'Cabaret Portugal'. As usual on La Chanson Noire releases, the cast of deluxe guests is rich and plentyful: renowned writer David Soares, rockabilly legend Jorge Bruto, Phil Mendrix, or London's Cabaret Noir diva Joe Black, among many others. "Macumba Stereo" closes the circle and presents revamped versions of songs like 'Bordel de Lúcifer', 'Natal dos Hospitais' or 'Valsa de Escombros' - La Chanson Noire's burial is had in full fashion.

La Chanson Noire is a musical manifesto created in 2007 by Charles Sangnoir, upon the edition of "Cançőes de Faca e Alguidar", a limited edition cassette numbered with the author’s own blood and sold out in a matter of days. "Gay Music for straight people" and "Bordel de Lucifer" followed, and finally "Musica para os mortos", (La Chanson Noire’s debut full length) arrived, bewildering the portuguese press with a rather controversial cover art featuring religious iconography depicted in a highly unorthodox fashion. Next came 'Cabaret Portugal' a tremendous cadavre exquis featuring 13 authors, 15 photographers, 2 designers and 1 film maker - an exquisite piece of work which is becoming a serious collectors item for any art fan in Portugal and abroad. Over 100 distinctive shows (including opening acts for Wayne Hussey, Clan of Xymox, Joe Black or Moonspell, among others) and constant presence in specialized media confirm La Chanson Noire as a unique musical act and pretty much advocate Sangnoir as the Chanteur Maudit of his generation...
On La Chanson Noire:
"Dark, haunting and absolutely beautiful"
Joe Black, Cabaret performer extraordinaire
"[...]a flower shredding darkness, seasoning it with the red of blood, the pepper of irony and the salt of freedom[...] "
Sónia Tavares, The Gift
"[...]the commitment is absolute, fearlessly evoking with his piano sonorities that range from punk to fado"
Nuno Calado, Antena 3
"High and dark drama infuses with hallowed tones and decadent scenarios - the voice dances, the body sings to an incendiary gospel!"
Ana Ferrão, Radar
01.Construindo Monstros
02.Fado Mau
03.Food for the Worms
04.Fuck Me
05.Água Benta
06.Bordel de Lúcifer
07.Pura Merda
08.Natal dos Hospitais
09.Valsa de Escombros
11.Fina Flor do Entulho
12.Mister Jones
13.Ode a Satã
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