Life's Decay - Dysrieuses

Dysrieuses is the sixth official album of Life's Decay. It follows its evolution towards a completely acoustical orchestration, this time, nevertheless, with a much more aggressive and dynamic music than in the previous album Eklaasera. In addition to classical instruments such as the cello, the piano or the violin, the bass part is more important as well as the guitar recorded in a more or less saturated way.
An organ, even more saturated, is played in some parts. Small atmosphere instruments such as the harmonica, chimes, or a xylophone are also present and so are the industrial drums, the martial percussions as well as many experimental sounds made from pieces of metal or other various objects, all representing a very important part in the project's music. Dysrieuses is carried by the feminine voice and its eclectic lyrics, both dark and poetic, always written in French. Moving between or playing with the instruments, the voice goes sweet or turns into a more violent energy.Released on Abstraktsens Produktions and available November 1th, 2009.
01 Etasthesie
02 Emerance
03 Eabelia
04 Sulvisyan
05 Viversie
06 Ambrause
07 Iristhetique
08 Etesse
09 Elystea
10 Exalyne
11 Evarestique
12 Inkerosa
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