Lux Occulta comes back!

Phenomenal band of the Polish metal scene has announced its come back! The new album of Lux Occulta will be released pretty soon!
The band has been on a hiatus ever since 2002, just after having released "The Mother and the Enemy", due to some publishing-related problems. Untill 2002, four studio albums have come out, oscillating around such genres as symphonic black metal, avant-garde metal, gothic metal, trip-hop and jazz.What should we expect from the upcoming record? My advice is to read the words of Lux Occulta's frontman, Jacek Szubrycht: "The album of Lux occulta is nearly finished, almost all tracks are completed. However, may the fans (especially if there still live anyone of them) of our previous releases not rejoice that much, for it is going to be a whole new kind of music. It might be concerned as 'metal' with regard to its spirit and dark atmosphere, yet by no means in terms of the sound. We still do not know when it is going to be released as there is a lot to be done ahead of us (recording vocals, for instance, whose sound for the time being I cannot imagine, let alone perform), but the album will definitely see the daylight.
There will be no concerts, however, so you are kindly asked not to ask about them, propose the dates or send invitations.
Surely we wait, we wait then...
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