AlterNation - music magazine about Electro, Industrial, EBM, Gothic, Darkwave and more
Manasuna - Breath Beyond
On Nov.29th came out new album of polish project Manasuna, entitled "Breath Beyond". CD was released by Rage In Eden Records.

Manasuna is the meeting of the different worlds of sound: modern electronic music, ethnic and classical music. Unusual sensitivity of the musicians and openness to search new musical horizons allowed them to create a band with a wide spectrum of sounds and musical interpretation. Musical instruments used by Manasuna (Monsoon), including: indian sitar, taus, persian santur, saz, australian didgeridoo, classical cello, violin, drums and flutes from around the world, and modern electronic, give our compositions a unique sounds, fabulous climate from undiscovered world and create an mesmerizing rainbow of sounds.


Rafał Gładysz - elevtronic instruments, beat programming, futujara, kaval.
Szymon Pawlas - cello.
Karol Kempny - violin.
Paweł Podsiadło - throat singing, tabla, didgeridoo, beatboxing, kaoss pad.
Grzegorz Surówka - wavedrum, framedrum, tibetian bowls, djembe, darbuka.
Tomasz Podgórski - sitar, taus, santur, saz, tar, kanun, oud, rabab, rewap, guitar, sampling.


02.Monsoon Approaching
03.Into the Space Behind
05.The Desert Flower
06.Breath Beyond
07.Rabab of the Raja
08.Six Winds

Author: NataliaElanor
Translator: NataliaElanor
Source: / 2012-12-05 / News

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