Mantus presents new album in January

In the silent darkness a light shines on the horizon. True to the German motto that those presumed to be dead live longer, "Requiem" is the first album from Mantus after a long break of 4 years. Nobody knows what happened in the years before they came back. A creative pause? Dissolution and reinvention? The "obituary" becomes a glance into the future: to a new beginning; a rebirth. Martin Schindler and Thalia rise to their high form of old and easily surpass the high standard of their most recent releases.
Metallic guitar riffs meet classical arrangements, full strings and piano chords. Electronic drum sounds mix with expressive melodies and sacral hymns, joined together with elegiac symphonies, over which the fascinating interaction of male and female vocals twinkles like a light shining in the darkness. The accustomed lyrical depth, beyond superficial clichés, comes across as perfect dark poetry in its purest form. A must-have not only for Mantus fans, who surely never counted upon this release. Also those who like Lacrimosa and Witt won't be able to pass up on "Requiem" from Mantus.
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