Max Brooks - World War Z

The hordes of hungry and angry zombie are coming! Are you ready for a total war? Firstly in China patient ‘zero’ infected by a strange and unknown disease appears. The disease causes rare degeneration of a body and later resuscitation of a corpse. Soon other similar cases appear. Governments of many countries ignore the danger and hide the truth from the citizens. And the truth is shocking – terminal sickness is spreading across the world extremely fast changing people into bloodthirsty alive corpses... That’s how the pandemic began and there are only few who survived. The world after this global hecatomb became a terrifying and brutal place which lacks of any rules, where you can count only on yourself. thanks to Max Brooks we get to know the story concealed so far by military reports. World War Z is breaking the record of popularity perfect coverage, horrifying to the bone, true until you are blue in the face!
Firstly in China patient ‘zero’ infected by a strange and unknown disease appears. The disease causes rare degeneration of a body and later resuscitation of a corpse. Soon other similar cases appear. Governments of many countries ignore the danger and hide the truth from the citizens. And the truth is shocking – terminal sickness is spreading across the world extremely fast changing people into bloodthirsty alive corpses...That’s how the pandemic began and there are only few who survived. The world after this global hecatomb became a terrifying and brutal place which lacks of any rules, where you can count only on yourself. thanks to Max Brooks we get to know the story concealed so far by military reports.
World War Z is breaking the record of popularity perfect coverage, horrifying to the bone, true until you are blue in the face!
"Before hell starts on earth, buy Brooks’s book, read it and carefully observe yourselves. Perhaps you will wake up one day with a temperature. Your joints will be aching and finally your limbs will go numb, temperature will reach 40 Celcius degree and half of your body will be paralyzed. You will go to sleep not to feel the pain. Remember about one thing – when you wake up the world will be different. In a plane motion, gloomily you will go hunting..."
"The bestseller book by Brooks – the son of Mel, famous comedy author – is classified by bookshops as non fiction. Theoretically it is purely for entertainment but still the author describes zombie phenomenon in extremely serious manner."
Maximillian Michael "Max" Brooks (born May 22, 1972) is an American author and screenwriter, with a particular interest in zombies. Brooks is also a television and voice-over actor. Brooks was born in New York City, the son of the Jewish American director, producer, writer, and actor Mel Brooks and Italian American actress Anne Bancroft. From 2001 to 2003, Brooks was a member of the writing team at Saturday Night Live. Brooks is the author of The Zombie Survival Guide.
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