Mechanical Moth - Unendlichkeit, Versionen und Visionen

Mechanical Moth is back with a "DIGITAL ONLY" remix album, the release date is on the 27th of February. Mechanical Moth about "Unendlichkeit, Versionen und Visionen": After the "Unendlichkeit"- record had a outbreak of the darkness of´our dreams to show our world of our smoldering ruins we needed a lusty counterbalance. And when we tell our people that we are fancy about some remixes which shall be most alien and different to the originals, borders shall be crossed!
So we´ve stirred our vastly damaged friends into action to manufacture "Unendlichkeit, Versionen und Visionen". Only one rule: Do it different! Now we got distorted mirrors of the original album: industrial, experimental and other strange creature roam there. On top two edits of our songs never heard before and one new born song Mechanical Moth always was driven to flirt with the strange and try new things and we wish to thank all the minions of the scene who helped us with their own versions and visions.Tracklist:
01. Mechanical Moth - das ungewollte Kind
02. Mechanical Moth - die Wahrheit (alternate)
03. Mechanical Moth - Knochentanz (alternate)
04. Mechanical Moth - Gute Vibrationen (Chainreactor Remix)
05. Mechanical Moth - Frau aus Papier (Valium Era Remix)
06. Mechanical Moth - Feuerrosen (Intent:Outtake Remix)
07. Mechanical Moth - Eisflügel (Noktis Remix)
08. Mechanical Moth - Die Wahrheit (Wutklang Remix)
09. Mechanical Moth - wenn du mich ansiehst (Netz Remix)
10. Mechanical Moth - Nebelstrasse (Lagrima Negra Remix)
11. Mechanical Moth - Frau Aus Papier (Glenn Love Remix ft. Fractured)
12. Mechanical Moth - Knochentanz (FabrikC Ngoma ya mifupa Remix)
13. Mechanical Moth - Kalte Asche (Kaos-Frequenz Remix)
14. Mechanical Moth - Station 2.4 Raum 4.0 (La Magra Remix)
15. Mechanical Moth - Sand in meinen Händen (Neon Insect Rework)
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