Mind.Area - Maze

After the succes of the until now 3 EPs ("Means to an End", "Stagnation/Death" in 2010 and "thenceforward" in 2009) as well as the debut "Long-Distance Side Trip" (2010) and the recently as a free download released EP "Disorder" Mind.Area are back with the new album "Maze".
CD releases on Nov 16th. Some tracks are available on Mind.Area’s Bandcamp profile.On "Maze" the Human Decay member Maikko A. proves once more, that the concious use of modern and retro sounds complement one another brilliant and creates an impressing symbiosis of club-suitable electro rhythms and atmospheric moments. Though animating to dance, the concept difers strong from the common club hits. Instead of building on lethargic-aggressive electro rhythms, Mind.Area focus on atmosphere primarily and create a fascinating kaleidoscope of dark, electronic music.
With the premiere of "Maze" a new chapter of the art around Mind.Area is opened, which consciously focuses on many guest appearances of different musicians. The singers and musicians of EGOamp, Empty, Reizstrom, Blame, Drowning Susan and LPF12 enrich the compositions with a very varied note. For the future, mastermind Maikko A. is planning further collaborations with guest musicians and keeps the concept, that many varied influences can form a very own sound cosmos, as "Maze" already proves on an impressive way.
Track List:
01. Destiny
02. No Chance (feat. EGOamp)
03. Proclamation
04. Corruption (feat. Empty)
05. Behind The Horizon
06. Lowdown (feat. Reizstrom)
07. Insane
08. Existence (feat. Blame)
09. Faces
10. Beauty
11. Backlash (feat. Drowning Susan)
12. Slow (feat. LPF12)
13. No Doubt
14. Cutnpaste
15. Deadlock
Author: NataliaElanor
Translator: NataliaElanor
Source: http://mindarea.bandcamp.com / 2012-11-13 / News
Translator: NataliaElanor
Source: http://mindarea.bandcamp.com / 2012-11-13 / News
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