New music video & track of polish project Martwy Błękit!

"Purpurowy Świt" (eng. Purple Dawn)is the next song shared by the polish band Martwy Błękit. The piece was inspired by the low-budget clip art offs. Both the video and record are a typical home-studio recording without treatment.
Martwy Błękit(eng Dead Blue) is the group from Zywiec and Bedzin, moving in such styles as noir-rock, gothic blues and film music. Formation is currently preparing material on a demo for their debut album and is looking for a publisher. Previously released recordings ("Widow","Long Farewell" and,,"Out of Control") hit the antenna of big polish independent radio stations- Revolta and Ulicznik. The team was inspired a.o.f by the works of Chandler, Ellroy and creativity of Jim Jarmusch.

Musicians written about their music: "Music of Martwy Błękit is sounds reaching the darkest recesses of the human soul. It's stories: some true, some not. We are not poets. We don’t care about other people's songs. We just play like it will linger just a moment to the end of the world."
Check new video & previous recordings under below:
Official Facebook Profile:
Author: NataliaElanor
Translator: NataliaElanor
Source: / 2012-12-10 / News
Translator: NataliaElanor
Source: / 2012-12-10 / News
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